Test your knowledge of Tallinn TV Tower!

The TV Tower smartphone game is a pastime for families, school groups or just the curious ones, where you have to find the answer to 16 questions that are placed all over the tower and which locations are marked with black numbers on a green background.

Some questions can be answered by carefully observing the surroundings, some answers must be asked from an older family members or teachers who remember history better.

The questions are starting from the first floor and ending on the balcony on the 22nd floor. The questions are multiple-choice, and if you have found the answers to all the questions, enter your email address, which we will use in the future to send you notifications about the TV Tower.

At the end of your visit to the TV Tower, show the result of your score to our experience guide in the souvenir shop, where the brighter ones will be given a themed gift.

The one-time price of the smartphone game is 5 €/smartphone, which must be paid at the cash desk before starting the game.

Have a pleasant experience at Tallinn TV Tower!